Our District
Welcome to the Fowler Elementary School District website. We are proud of our heritage in Phoenix, Arizona, which began over 120 years ago with the construction of our first building in 1895 and with 46 students. Today we have five elementary schools, two middle schools, and a childcare center, with a total enrollment of approximately 4,400. Once you get to know us, we’re sure you’ll come to understand what has helped Fowler schools withstand the test of time.
Our Mission
Fowler District, in partnership with parents, students, and community, provides positive, safe, nurturing schools that foster self-esteem and respect for others. In this partnership, we challenge each student by delivering a relevant, success-oriented education promoting self-directed, lifelong learning.
Our Vision
Every student in the Fowler School District will receive instruction through an articulated curriculum delivered by highly qualified teachers. This will enable our students to meet or exceed Arizona academic standards—a necessary step to becoming successful at the next level of education and as life-long learners.