FESD Parents and Community Members,
There is a trend on social media regarding threats to schools in Arizona. The Phoenix police have advised schools, students, and parents not to forward or repost social media threats. Instead, the Phoenix Police Department should be contacted immediately (911 for emergencies, 602-262-6151 Crime Stop) to report social media postings threatening violence. FESD takes all threats seriously and reports all information to the Phoenix Police Department. We need your help in ensuring that our schools are safe places. You can assist us by doing the following.
- Monitor your children's social media accounts regularly.
- Speak to your children about the importance of alerting the Phoenix Police Department when they see social media threats.
- Remind your children not to repost or forward any inappropriate social media posts.
We will continue to prioritize the safety of our campuses and will report any threats to the Police Department.
Padres y miembros de la comunidad de FESD,
Hay una tendencia en las redes sociales con respecto a las amenazas a las escuelas en Arizona. La policía de Phoenix ha aconsejado a las escuelas, estudiantes y padres que no reenvíen ni vuelvan a publicar amenazas en las redes sociales. En cambio, se debe contactar al Departamento de Policía de Phoenix de inmediato (911 para emergencias, 602-262-6151 Crime Stop) para denunciar publicaciones en las redes sociales que amenacen con violencia. FESD toma en serio todas las amenazas y reporta toda la información al Departamento de Policía de Phoenix.
Necesitamos su ayuda para garantizar que nuestras escuelas sean lugares seguros.