Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to raising children, questions come with the territory! We’ve put together the answers to the questions we hear the most so you can get the information you need 24-7. If we haven’t answered your question here, please give us a call. We’re always happy to help.
How do I register my child at a Fowler ESD school?
We are always happy to welcome new students at our schools. Visit our Registration and Immunizations page for the information you need to register your child.
What is a tax credit donation?
We’re so glad you asked—your donations really make a difference! Simply put, you’ll get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for your donation to our schools. Learn more about this program by visiting our Tax Credits page.
Where can I make payments for school activities and fees?
Visit our online web store or drop your payment by our district office.
Where can I find a list of school holidays and other important dates?
We make it easy! Just stop by our Calendar page for a printable calendar or set up electronic alerts using our interactive calendar.
Where can I find a lunch menu and how much does lunch cost?
We post our current menus and meal prices on our Food and Nutrition page. You’ll also find an online application for our free and reduced-price meal program.
Does FESD serve breakfast?
Yes! We offer a free breakfast to every student.
Does FESD offer a preschool program?
Yes, we do! Visit our Head Start Preschool page or contact us for more information.
Does FESD provide transportation?
Yes. Hop on over to our Transportation page for bus routes and important safety information.
What is the dress code for Fowler Elementary District schools?
In order to ensure that all students are treated fairly and with respect, we require uniforms for all students. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the dress code.
- Colors must be white, light blue, or navy
- Polo shirts with buttons, collar, and short sleeves
- Shirts must be tucked in
- No logos or writing on shirts
- Must be size appropriate
- Undershirts worn beneath tops must be white only
- All bottoms must be navy
- Students may wear shorts, skirts, skorts or slacks that conform to the tailored uniform style found in the uniform department of any of the department or discount store
- All shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be no more than two inches above the knee
- No denim may be worn
- No logos or writing on bottoms
- Must be size appropriate