Business Services

Charged with managing the daily fiscal responsibility of the district’s operations, our Business Department oversees expenditures, receivables, data analysis, and awards contracts.

Average Teacher Salary

Public Surplus

Public Surplus

Fowler Elementary School District #45 works diligently to reassign surplus property to other schools and departments. Occasionally, we dispose of unused or obsolete items, using the methods described in R7-2-1131 Material Management and Disposition of the Arizona Administrative Code, including the use of internet-based online sales.

For each internet-based online sale, we list items for a period of not less than 14 days, during which persons may submit offers to purchase the specified materials. Please visit Public Surplus, our provider of internet-based online sales.

To register as a buyer with Public Surplus:

  • Click register under the register to become part of Public Surplus heading on the home screen.
  • Follow the instructions as indicated.

To browse items for sale, on Public Surplus, specific to Fowler Elementary School District #45:

  • Click Select Region
  • Choose Arizona, under the browse auctions within area heading on the home screen.
  • Click Select Agency
  • Choose Fowler Elementary School District #45

We state the district’s terms and conditions for online sales on the Public Surplus bid listing.