Food Services
The school food service program is an essential part of the complete educational program. Based on the belief that a well-nourished student is better prepared to receive the instruction of the school day, the Food and Nutrition Department plays a necessary role in each school’s educational team. Our goal is to help children develop healthy, lifelong habits necessary to promote health and learning.
Free School Breakfast and Lunch
Exciting News!
Beginning March 1, 2024, Fowler Elementary School District will provide free breakfast and lunch for all K–8 students enrolled in our schools. Visit the Free Breakfast/Lunch Information page for more information.
Meal Prices
Adult Meal Pricing
Breakfast: $1.75
Lunch: $2.85
Food Services Staff
Please contact our staff by phone at 623-707-2059 or foodservice@fesd.org if we can be of assistance.
Pattie Campos: Coordinator of Culinary Operations
Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.